Unhappy In Our Own Way

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Back to Work

I've started my new job and all is well as of hump day. It's allot to get my head around at this point - learning all of the Medicare regulations for physician office billing plus a new computer system but the people are friendly and supportive.
The drive in is a nice easy one as I'm heading away from LA rather than in to it. And it comes with some nice views of the San Gabriel Mountains at sunrise.
Christi and Anthony are well and getting back into the routine. Josh is doing fine but very busy: Working Mon-Fri then going to school 12 hours per day every Sat & Sun. He's taking a 12 week course that gains him licensure to drive tractor trailers cross country. I'm really glad he's found something that interests him.

Love to all.


Monday, November 27, 2006

from the play...

Romeo and Juliet during the masked ball.
A better shot of the background then anything else, but here is our Romeo and (I believe) Benvolio.

And three video clips.

First a warning:
These were taken with my digital camera, which has seen better days. It is capable of capturing video clips, but is not a video camera by any means. The picture and sound quality are lacking!!

Now putting that aside, enjoy the great Shakespear.

I think the first came out the best.

I trust that you all have a happy Thanksgiving, whether the main course was Margaritas or linguini. As you can see from this photo of us, we decided to keep it traditional (though I really don't like wearing a suit and tie to dinner!).

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The play's the thing

We are in total play mode...Romeo & Juliet, that is. Opening night is tomorrow. Judging from rehearsals, I know I will be proud of Ethan and some of the other kids. Unfortunately, there are a handful of cast members who have really blown it and still don't know their lines. It's a shame for those who have worked so hard. Anyway, it will all begin tomorrow, ready or not. We will post some pictures from our new camera we just got yesterday :-)

Off to La Paz on Monday. Should be fun. Lots of young cousins for Anthony to play with. There is allot to do but Christi and I have a specific plan - sit on the beach and read/sleep/talk/sleep....

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

I spent a day in this diesel electric engine many years ago.....interesting to see it again...things were sort of quiet on the blog and I though a little train stuff would be nice

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Getting Out the Vote

The rehab center where I work in Reading is across the street from a large public housing neighborhood. Reading has one of the largest concentrations of hispanic residents in the country. All day long there have been vans driving up and down the streets with loud speakers telling people in spanish that they can have a ride to the polling location in order to vote. They are also encouraging everyone to vote for Ed Rendel, Lois Murphy and other democrats. I think this is smart, because hispanic voters tend to be conservative voters based on the anti-abortion perspective. In some cases, maybe democrats are learning how to win uncommitted voters.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Midterm Meltdown

I decided this New Yorker piece was worth posting in its entirety.

Issue of 2006-11-06
Posted 2006-10-30

The great bafflement of next week’s midterm congressional elections is that there is even a sliver of a hint of a shadow of a doubt about the outcome. The polls are unequivocal. In a mid-October NBC/Wall Street Journal survey, the public’s “job approval” of the Republican Congress stood at a wan sixteen per cent, as against seventy-five per cent disapproving. Another measurement normally regarded as electorally predictive, the one pollsters call “right track/wrong track,” is nearly as one-sided. In last week’s Newsweek survey, twenty-five per cent of respondents pronounced themselves satisfied with “the way things are going in the United States at this time,” while sixty-seven per cent registered dissatisfaction. The Newsweek poll also found that, by a 55-37 margin, likely voters generically prefer Democratic candidates for the House of Representatives to Republican ones. Those numbers are a near-mirror image of the same survey’s job rating for President Bush: thirty-five per cent approve of his performance, fifty-seven per cent disapprove of it.

There’s a lively debate among historians over the question of whether the record of the forty-third President, compiled with the indispensable help of a complaisant Congress, is the worst in American history or merely the worst of the sixteen who managed to make it into (if not out of) a second full term. That the record is appalling is by now beyond serious dispute. It includes an unending deficit—this year, it’s $260 billion—that has already added $1.5 trillion to the national debt; the subcontracting of environmental, energy, labor, and health-care policymaking to corporate interests; repeated efforts to suppress scientific truth; a set of economic and fiscal policies that have slowed growth, spurred inequality, replenished the ranks of the poor and uninsured, and exacerbated the insecurities of the middle class; and, on Capitol Hill, a festival of bribery, some prosecutable (such as the felonies that have put one prominent Republican member of Congress in prison, while another awaits sentencing), some not (such as the reported two-million-dollar salary conferred upon a Republican congressman who became the pharmaceutical industry’s top lobbyist immediately after shepherding into law a bill forbidding the government to negotiate prices for prescription drugs).

In 2002 and 2004, the ruling party avoided retribution for offenses like these by exploiting the fear of terrorism. What is different this time is that the overwhelming failure of the Administration’s Iraq gamble is now apparent to all. This war of choice has pointlessly drained American military strength, undermined what had originally appeared to be success in Afghanistan, handed the Iranian mullahs a strategic victory, immunized the North Korean regime from a forceful response to its nuclear defiance, and compromised American leadership of the democratic world. You can read all about it, not only in the government’s own recently leaked National Intelligence Estimate, which reports that the Iraq war has intensified the danger of Islamist terrorism, but also in a shelf of books—a score or more of them, beginning two and a half years ago with Richard A. Clarke’s “Against All Enemies” and continuing through Bob Woodward’s “State of Denial”—that document the mendacity, incompetence, lawlessness, and ideological arrogance surrounding the origins and conduct of that war.

In a normal democracy, given the state of public opinion and the record of the incumbent government, it would be taken for granted that come next Tuesday the ruling party would be turned out. But, for reasons that have less to do with the wizardry of Karl Rove than with the structural biases of America’s electoral machinery, Democrats enter every race carrying a bag of sand. The Senate’s fifty-five Republicans represent fewer Americans than do its forty-five Democrats. On the House side, Democratic candidates have won a higher proportion of the average district vote than Republicans in four of the five biennial elections since 1994, but—thanks to a combination of gerrymandering and demo-graphics—Republicans remain in the majority. To win back the House, Democrats need something close to a landslide. Their opponents, to judge from their behavior, seem to think they might get one.

During the past week, the foul mood of the leaders of the Republican Party and its hard-right outriders touched what one must earnestly hope was bottom. In Tennessee, where a talented, relatively conservative young Democrat, Harold Ford, Jr., is campaigning to become the first African-American senator from a Southern or border state since Reconstruction, a television ad is making a nauseating kind of political history. The ad, which appeals to a poisonous stereotype of black sexuality, is destined for a long life as a reference point in discussions of political perfidy. Its only moment of honesty—an involuntary moment, compelled by the McCain-Feingold law of 2002—is provided by a hurried off-camera voice: “The Republican National Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.” Meanwhile, Rush Limbaugh, the radio broadcaster who is the Republican Party’s most prominent unofficial spokesman, unleashed an unusually ugly attack on the integrity of the actor Michael J. Fox, who has been appearing in spots for Democratic candidates who support embryonic-stem-cell research. (In 2004, he did the same for a Republican, Senator Arlen Specter.) Fox has Parkinson’s, and it shows. Here is what Limbaugh said of one such spot: “In this commercial, he is exaggerating the effects of the disease. He is moving all around and shaking. And it’s purely an act. . . . This is really shameless of Michael J. Fox. Either he didn’t take his medication or he’s acting, one of the two.” (In reality, Fox’s body movements are a side effect of his medication, without which he is unable to speak.) And in one of the most important of next Tuesday’s contests—Virginia’s, which pits the incumbent senator, George Allen, against James Webb—Allen is employing a tactic that combines prurience with philistinism.

Allen, as the now-famous “Macaca” incident and its aftermath showed, is a bigot and a bully. Webb is a Democrat-turned-Republican—he was President Reagan’s Secretary of the Navy—whom the Iraq war turned back into a Democrat. He is a novelist by profession. At the end of last week, as a new poll showed Allen slipping behind, he put out a press release consisting of annotated snippets from Webb’s novels, which draw on his experiences and observations as a marine in Vietnam. The snippets record callous behavior, bleak sexuality, and rough talk. (To suggest that their author advocates such things is akin to saying that “Ben-Hur” is a brief for crucifixion.) Like the novels from which they are torn, the snippets are about men at war, so it is perhaps not so surprising that they are short on what Allen’s press release primly calls “positive female role models.”

There is much more along these lines, from many places, almost all of it of Republican provenance. But the most depraved pronouncement of the week came from the Vice-President of the United States, Dick Cheney. In an interview with one of three dozen right-wing radio hosts invited to spend a day broadcasting from the White House, Cheney was asked if he didn’t think it was “silly” even to debate about “dunking a terrorist in water.” “I do agree,” he replied. The interviewer pressed: “Would you agree a dunk in water is a no-brainer if it can save lives?” Cheney: “It’s a no-brainer for me.”

The “dunk in water” they were talking about is waterboarding. It has been used by the Gestapo, the North Koreans, and the Khmer Rouge. After the Second World War, a Japanese soldier was sentenced to twenty-five years’ hard labor for using it on American prisoners. It is torture, and torture is not a no-brainer. It is a no-souler. The no-brainer is the choice on Election Day.

— Hendrik Hertzberg

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

New Job

I just accepted a job offer. I've been looking for a while and entertaining several offers. The consulting lifestyle just wasn't going to work any longer. So, I will be working for PA Health. They manage a couple hundred physician practices. It's a brand new position, great pay, and right here in Pasadena. Check out the web site - particularly their annual report (you'll see why i'm excited).

the queen of random posts strikes again...

Come on down! Bob Barker to retire
Longtime ‘Price is Right’ host has left enduring mark on television
The Associated Press

Updated: 9:06 a.m. ET Nov 1, 2006

LOS ANGELES - Bob Barker is heading toward his last showcase, his final “Come on down.”

The silver-haired daytime-TV icon is retiring in June, he told The Associated Press Tuesday.

“I will be 83 years old on December 12,” he said, “and I’ve decided to retire while I’m still young.”

Though he has been considering retirement for “at least 10 years,” Barker said he has so much fun doing the show that he hasn’t been able to leave.

“I’ve gone on and on and on to this ancient age because I’ve enjoyed it,” he said. “I’ve thoroughly enjoyed it and I’m going to miss it.”

Reaching dual milestones, 50 years on television and 35 with “Price,” made this an “appropriate” time to retire, Barker said. Besides, hosting the daily CBS program — in which contestants chosen from the crowd “come on down” to compete for “showcases” that include trips, appliances and new cars — is “demanding physically and mentally,” he said.

“I’m just reaching the age where the constant effort to be there and do the show physically is a lot for me,” he said. “I might be able to do the show another year, but better (to leave) a year too soon than a year too late.”

Leslie Moonves, president and CEO of CBS Corporation, said Barker has left an enduring mark on the network, calling his contribution and loyalty “immeasurable.”

“We knew this day would come, but that doesn’t make it any easier,” Moonves said in a statement. “Bob Barker is a daytime legend, an entertainment icon and one of the most beloved television personalities of our time.”

‘I refuse to do nude scenes’
Barker began his national television career in 1956 as the host of “Truth or Consequences.” He first appeared on “Price” on Sept. 4, 1972 and has been the face of the show ever since.

A CBS prime-time special celebrating the show’s longevity and Barker’s five decades on TV was already under way, a network spokesman said.

To kick off his retirement, Barker said he will “sit down for maybe a couple of weeks and find out what it feels like to be bored.” Then he plans to spend time working with animal-rights causes, including his own DJ&T Foundation, founded in memory of his late wife, Dorothy Jo, and mother, Matilda.

He said he’d take on a movie role if the right one came along, but filmmakers, take note: “I refuse to do nude scenes. These Hollywood producers want to capitalize on my obvious sexuality, but I don’t want to be just another beautiful body.”

Freemantle Media, which owns “Price,” has been looking for Barker’s replacement for “two or three years,” Barker said. And he has some advice for whoever takes the job: learn the show’s 80 games backwards and forward.

“The games have to be just like riding a bicycle,” Barker said. “Then he will be relaxed enough to have fun with the audience, to get the laughs with his contestants and make the show more than just straight games, to make it a lot of fun.”

As for his fans, Barker said he “doesn’t have the words” to express his gratitude.

“From the bottom of my heart, I thank the television viewers, because they have made it possible for me to earn a living for 50 years doing something that I thoroughly enjoy. They have invited me into their homes daily for a half a century.”

But when it comes to saying his final TV goodbye, Barker said he’ll do it the same way he does each day on “Price”: “Help control the pet population. Have your pets spayed or neutered.”

© 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

URL: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/15501096/