Unhappy In Our Own Way

Sunday, June 29, 2008

various pic

We went to a wedding for a friend of Jessica's yesterday, and here are some pictures that I thought might interest all of you. As you can see, Kayden is grownig quickly, and she is very interested in what is going on around her. Kayden, Jessica and Lin looked stunning in their new outfits.

Monday, June 23, 2008

update - healed tattoo

Soo... not to be a complete post whore, but my tat has healed up so nicely, I wanted to show you some new pictures!! It looks so great now that the eye isn't red and there aren't little dots of blood all over!

I think she did such a freakin awesome job on the color blending in the tail:

There you have it!!

Monday, June 16, 2008


I'm definitely excited that the tattoo is finally finished. When it was all said and done it took 6.5 hours... but it was worth every uncomfortable minute.

The tail and face, especially the eye, look darker and redder then they really will be because of blood/irritation... the eye is actually white. I'll post another shot in a few weeks when its all healed up.