Unhappy In Our Own Way

Monday, July 31, 2006

Hot, Hot, Hot

I think it started with your neck of the woods, Ted, but we have got high 90's with possible triple digits this week. To be honest, it doesn't bother me, but everyone else is so miserable, that I feel uncomfortable by association (specifically, Drew who is nothing but a puddle on the floor

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Hooray for Ocracoke


Did you know that when you try to pronounce UIOOW, it comes out: Yo!

Friday, July 28, 2006

Matchmaker, Matchmaker make me a match...

Well, I think it is time for Drew and I to step forward and take credit for introducing Wray to our long-time friend, Susie. It started with their initial meeting at the annual Marti Gras celebration this year (everyone on this blog has an automatic invitation to this Goss get-together). E-mails ensued, but the clincher was when Wray and Morgan took their annual PA-Schnecksville trek recently and Susie was able to join us on a sultry Sunday afternoon. I'll let Wray fill in the details, but I know there is a trip to Duck, NC coming up. All kidding aside, this is a good thing.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

In Memoriam

Dad would have been 82 today.


Morgan and I have a beach house in Duck, NC, for August vacation week. We had debated Iceland and Quebec and other places, then realized we really wanted to just kick back rather than travel. I love the Outer Banks. I have convinced my new friend Susie to join us.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Cheney & Voldemort '88

I just saw this bumper sticker.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

he who must be obeyed

"Doc" is in charge of the back yard. He brooks no intrusion into his domain.

new phone #

Since nobody uses e-mail any longer, you may not have received my new phone #. ;-) it is: 818-307-9147.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

I think this will be a great format for our football pool. I am looking forward to it.

T d' F

Don't know if any of you (except Ian) have been following the Tour. I (sadly) didn't witness this, but American Landis made one of the greatest sports comebacks of all time, after being written off completely. On Wednesday, he utterly failed in an Alpine climb, dropping 30 seconds behind the leader, which I guess is an eternity in this contest. But the next day, instead of giving up, he raced ahead of the pack early and ended up closing the gap to 3 seconds. This is the guy with a bone-grinding (literally) hip problem, who will have major surgery after the race. Hard not to root for those guts.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Old wine

It's really just another way to creating a folder, in order to segregate family e-mail from the ton of other email most of us get. A convenience. Otherwise exactly what we've been doing for more than five years. But if people have objections, let's kill it. I don't care.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Trouble logging on

I've had some problems getting on the blog yesterday and today. Not sure why. Some posts work - like Meeg's pics of the wedding - some don't. Also, I see that Jim has not logged on and Drew is not into it. Again, not sure why. I guess I need to be patient.

thought I'd share.

Something a little nicer then news regarding GWB (unless that news would happen to regard impeachment anyway):

A few pictures from the wedding I was in on the 7th. It was a lot of fun.
The bride, who is also Megan, will be in my wedding too.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

GWB is all about the fodder

And what do we think about this newest little tidbit:

It seems cursing is not enough for our Georgie, not he's moved on to inappropriate touching.

News story here:

Crisis of Confidence?

Thought you might enjoy this Ann Hulbert essay from Sunday:


Golly! Balderdash!

I don't know about you, but I find W's use of the word shit the most down to earth thing he's done as president. He's still an imbecile, and it's tempting to say that this is his most intelligent remark so far, but I want a president who swears a bit. The press should be embarrassed about making such a big deal of it.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Reunions and . . . reunions

Maggie, your reunion sounds like a much better idea than Forty Fort's. Music Fest has it all over the karaoke machine at the Castle Inn. But will you have a choice of prime rib or sole?
I also had a sort of reunion with Mac and Lynn, which really nice. I've stayed in touch with Mac via email, but haven't really spent much time with either of them in recent years. Mac and I were both up at 530, so we took a walk out into his woods, which is really beautiful wetland. Very peaceful. He seems very centered. He's been a vegan for 25 years, and spends a lot of time on Yoga and similar meditative practices. His house continues to grow in every direction, but it still fits very organically into that piece of land. I could live in a place like that very easily. It really had me thinking that I should get out of DC and freelance in some semi-rural area like Dallas or Schnecksville, which I also find very peaceful. What a perfect Sunday afternoon that was, such easy good company, effortless. Everyone here is driven too hard.


I agree, Ted, a current picture of all those people would be great. I am hoping to attend a reunion of former UCP employees in a few weeks. Even though it isn't 40 years since I have seen them (10 for some) I am curious about how everyone has changed. This reunion should be fun. We are all meeting at MusicFest in Bethlehem. I know Jim, Megan and Travis probably knows this festival, having lived in the Lehigh Valley more recently. It really is a wonderful week of music from all over the world. Also, good food and crafts etc.

Happy Birthday Maggie

I am glad to hear that all the Fortyfortians are in good shape, except those who are no long with us of course. If they took a class picture it would be fun to see it.

Monday, July 17, 2006

The 40th Reunion

The Forty Fort High School reunion was fun. We all looked a lot older, but those who were there seemed to be doing well. About 40 classmates showed, plus SOs. Megan Rees was still the prettiest and smartest girl in the room.We had some time to chat and catch up. Also in attendance: Danny Kopen, M.D., (of course), who told us all the clinical details of the deaths of Joe Chwalek and Dave Lenker; Tom Williams; Sandy Hall; Chrissy George; Dean (and Frances), but I see them periodically; Cathy Davies; Hank Davis. All of the above asked after you, Ted, and Cathy Davies (still married to Bob Boston, daughters 35 and 30) was reminiscing about taking you, Jim, to the movies when you were a child. They (and Walt) live in Riverside now and would love to hook up with you, Jim. (I didn't volunteer your coordinates.) (Ted, you probably know all this through Linda, no?)Oh, Rich Sgarlat and Wendy Badman, Larry Roskos, Kathy Pickering, Peggy DeMarco, Linda McDonald, Greg and Laurie Gover (nee Gwilliam). It was at the Castle Inn on the Lake Highway. Lynn went as my date, just to give them something to talk about.

I think I did it

I attempted to create a user name of my own for our blog. I hope I was successful :-) Anyway, thanks to everyone who sent birthday wishes ... who knew I would make it to 54! Yeee Haaa ... would love another 54... we'll see how it goes.
Love you guys,
Maggie (If I was successful with my user I.D. ... someone let me know)

Signing in, (un)happily

Just thought I'd make a first appearance with a happy birthday wish to Maggie.

(I'm using my old blogger sign-in as well. I like to be special too.)

To make things easier... or maybe more complicated.

I added myself as a member of this blog so that when I write you see my user name and know its me. Anyone else can do this too... just sign in with the account info sent out earlier. Click on Settings and then Members. Click add team members and put in your email address. Once you receive the email, follow the link and create an account using new information... NOT the sign in from earlier (or just sign in using a preexisting blogger account if you have one - Ian?). Then, when you want to post something, or leave a comment, you can use your personal sign in info.

If no one else wants to, that's fine too. I like being special. ;-)



HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAGGIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Herbert-Goss-Hannan blog

The Herbert-Goss-Hannan blog
In Anna Karenina, Tolstoy said happy families are all alike, unhappy families are "unhappy in their own way." Using that logic, since we have such a unique family, we must be unhappy in our own way!
In an effort to unclog our e-mail, we have created this blog - hope to hear from you all.