The Forty Fort High School reunion was fun. We all looked a lot older, but those who were there seemed to be doing well. About 40 classmates showed, plus SOs. Megan Rees was still the prettiest and smartest girl in the room.We had some time to chat and catch up. Also in attendance: Danny Kopen, M.D., (of course), who told us all the clinical details of the deaths of Joe Chwalek and Dave Lenker; Tom Williams; Sandy Hall; Chrissy George; Dean (and Frances), but I see them periodically; Cathy Davies; Hank Davis. All of the above asked after you, Ted, and Cathy Davies (still married to Bob Boston, daughters 35 and 30) was reminiscing about taking you, Jim, to the movies when you were a child. They (and Walt) live in Riverside now and would love to hook up with you, Jim. (I didn't volunteer your coordinates.) (Ted, you probably know all this through Linda, no?)Oh, Rich Sgarlat and Wendy Badman, Larry Roskos, Kathy Pickering, Peggy DeMarco, Linda McDonald, Greg and Laurie Gover (nee Gwilliam). It was at the Castle Inn on the Lake Highway. Lynn went as my date, just to give them something to talk about.