Wednesday, June 13, 2007

amazingly sad...

It's funny that the US is considered one of the leading countries in the world... our actions set the stage for others to follow... but reading this article on mothering traditions around the world it is pointed out that the US is still grossly behind when it comes to maternity leave and the treatment of new mothers.

A few interesting facts from the article.

Canada: Working moms get a yearlong leave after they have a baby, and receive 55 percent of their salary during that year. This is a government benefit, and women are entitled to the same job or a comparable one when their leave is over. Many companies supplement this benefit with additional dollars during maternity leave. "Fathers are also entitled to 37 weeks of parental leave, but many still don't take advantage of this benefit," says BabyCenter associate editor Ann Elisabeth Samson.

Austria: Pregnant women get eight weeks off before and after the birth of their baby, and receive a full salary.

Sweden: Parents receive over a year of leave and other benefits, and they can share the time off, with each parent taking half the time off to be with the child. If either parent wants to work half-time, they can extend their benefits even longer. "The family leave policy in Sweden is wonderful for parents — and for children, too," BabyCenter editor Carina Westling says.

United States: "This country is way behind when it comes to providing family leave," says BabyCenter editor Linda Murray. She points out that the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), passed in 1993, guarantees three months of job-protected, unpaid family leave, but only to those who work for the government or large companies. A few states have, or are considering enacting, paid family leave provisions.

But more surprising then the policies in Sweden or Cananda:

Cuba: Moms get six months maternity leave, with full salary.

Funny that a country most people consider quite backwards is ahead of us when it comes to maternity.

From the same article:

After the baby arrives: Traditions and rituals

China: New mothers
receive a lot of care and attention, according to BabyCenter editor Joy Jia, and the pampering is a family affair. By tradition, new moms aren't supposed to leave their home for a month. Meanwhile, grandparents and other relatives take care of the household duties so Mom can recuperate and care for her baby. She's given high protein soups and other special foods during this time.

Sorry for the random rant/blog... but it just amazes me that such an "advanced" country can be so dumb when it comes to something that really is one of the most important things in a persons life.


Blogger Maggie said...

I agree, Meg, it is amazing how backward we are compared to so many cultures when it comes to family leave, childcare and healthcare. It's appalling!

7:45 PM  

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